Poe and Bradley Families


The connection between the Bradley and Poe family is difficult to decipher. Almost certainly there is a relationship through marriage.  Perhaps the wife of the William Poe found in Caroline County, VA in the latter quarter of the 18th Century is married to a Bradley. There also are indications that a Thomas Poe of Spotsylvania County, Virginia married a Bradley woman in the late 1700s. This appears to be a different Thomas Poe (Powe) from the son of “Mossom” Poe who moved to South Carolina.




JOHN4 BRADLEY (ROBERT3, JOHN2, ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1757 in Spotsylvania Co., Va., and died Bef. 1830 in Scott Co., Ky.. He married LUCY POE Abt. 1784 in Va., daughter of POE.







Essex Countv Court l3th of November 1699

(Elizabeth Bradley?)

- The suit between THOMAS BUCKNER Plt. "ELIZABETH BROADLEY, Admn. of ABRAHAM: BROADLEY deted, Deft. is dismist for want of prosecution





Caroline County, Virginia order book / abstracted and compiled by John Frederick Dorman


Dorman, John Frederick


Washington : The Compiler, s.d.-


v. ; 28 cm.




Library holdings: 1732-1770.


Caroline Co., Virginia - Court records



Page 117

10 January 1733/4


Petition. James Terry executor etc. of Edward Bradley agt. Josiah Wood. Dismissed.


Petition. James Terry executor etc. of Edward Bradley agt. Abraham Yarbrough. Dismissed.


Page 118

10 January 1734

Petition. Sarah Cockson executrix of Edward Bradley agt. Josiah Wood. Dismissed.


Petition. Sarah Cockson (Coockson) executrix of Edward Bradley agt. Abraham Yarbrough. Dismissed.


JOHN4 BRADLEY (ROBERT3, JOHN2, ROBERT1) was born Abt. 1757 in Spotsylvania Co., Va., and died Bef. 1830 in Scott Co., Ky.. He married LUCY POE Abt. 1784 in Va., daughter of POE.


Page 159 [10 Oct. 1734]

Benjamin Poe acknowledged his deeds of lease and release of land indented to John Bradley.


Page 302 [8 Aug. 1735]

Action of debt. John Taliaferro Gent. agt. Robert Dudley, Benjamin Robinson and John Griffin. Jury, James Lyndsey, Thomas Swiney, Edward Rouse,

William Herndon, John Bradley, Robert Tompkins, John Downer, Thomas Blasingam, Henry Burk, John Yarbrough, Richard Tankersley and John Fox, find for the defendant. Robert Tompkins, foreman.


Page 479 [12 May 1738]

Suit on the attachment. William Daniel agt. The estate of James Hearn. It’s considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover 771 pounds of tobacco. The constable made return he executed the attachment in the hands of Samuel Edwards, John Powell, Benjamin. Poe, John Bradley, Phillip Tinsley, John Beasley, Chas. Beasley, John Robinson, Josias King, William Watson and Daniel Johnson. Charles Beasley declared he has in his hands belonging to Hern 117 pounds of tobacco. It’s ordered he pay the same to Daniel and that the other persons pay to Daniel what shall appear (before William Taliaferro Gent.) to be in their hands.


p. 526 [9 March 1739]

Action of trespass. Simon Poe agt. Philip Herndon. Jury, Wm. Southworth, Francis Bearding, Timo. Chandler, Oliver Towles, William Lawson, Thos. Forson, Bryant Edmondson, Samuel Norment, Henry Burk, John Bradley, John Clark, and Peter Claybrook, find for the plaintiff 20 shillings sterling. Wm Lawson, foreman. And the court being of opinion that the battery is well and sufficiently proved, it is considered that the plaintiff recover the said 20 shillings sterling.


Page 604 [9 May 1740]

Present: George Hoomes, Gent., justice.

Action of trespass on the case. James Littlepage agt. Bradley Cock. Jury, John Dyer jur., John Hart, George Chapman, Jacob Johns, Robert Baber, John George, Thomas White, Thomas Forson, Philip Herndon, John Woolfolk, John Bell and Robert Powell, find for the plaintiff £4.5.2  current money. John George  foreman.


Action of trespass. John Watts agt. Anthony Arnold. Jury, John Hart (Hurt), John Bradley, Samuel Chapman, Charles Morgan, William Herndon, Michael Parrott, Richard Billops, Thomas Dudley, Matthew Peatross, Roger Madison, Benjamin Wootten and John Dudley, find for the plaintiff ten shillings. Richard Billops, foreman.


Orange County

26 July 1746

26 September 1746

Ordered that Stephen J K Smith George Smith Richard Bradley and Joseph Reynolds or any two of them do some time between this and the Next Court go to and View the way from the Pine stake Church into the Road that Leads to Stark's Bridge and report to the Court accordingly.


Spotsylvania County

Dec. 5, 1764 (recorded)

November 22, 1763

William Hudson of Spts. Co., to Larkin Chew of sd. Co., Gent. Mortgage. Pounts 20 curr. 110 a. in Spta Co. (adj. lands of Capt. Jos. Hawkins, James Jones, Paul McClary, and Robert Bradley); also goods and chattels, etc. Thomas Powe, John Chew, Joseph Brock. Dec. 5, 1764


Caroline County


Page 198/9 Court 11th November 1779

The Last Will and Testament of Rebecca Bradley deced. was proved by the Oaths of two witnesses and ordered to be recorded. Peyton Stern, the Executor therein named having refused to take upon him the execution thereof. On motion of William Poe who took the Oath prescribed by Law. Certificate is granted him for obtaining Letters of Administration on the said Estate with the Will annexed. Bond acknowledged and ordered to be recorded


Richard Ship, Peyton Stern, Richard Ship JUNR and Richard Micou or any three of the, being first sworn are appointed to appraise the Estate of Elizabeth Bradley, deceased, according to Law.



Caroline County, Virginia court records : probate and other records from the court order and minute books / Kimberly Curtis Campbell


Campbell, Kimberly Curtis


Athens, GA : Iberian, 1999-


v. ; 28 cm.


1781-1799 ; 3. 1800-1804



September 1794

From the Fork Road at Trap, [The Trap was the tavern located between Port Royal and Bowling Green. . . ] over Stern’s Mill to the road leading by Meeting House, Mark Bowler, Jr. appointed Overseer on which the hands of William Poe, Sarah Bradley, Mark Bradley, Mark Bowler, William Clift and Samuel McGehee are to work. (Bowler may be Boulware)


Culpeper County

Sparacio Will Book D


19 December 1796

pp. 188-189

Dr. The Estate of Capt. William Bradley in a/c with Absolum Bradley acting executors … (some entries) 1795 Cash paid Charles Buck; paid William C. Williams in full a/c Strickler and Roads exectution vs. WB; case paid Payne Moore & Co per Lewis Conner receipt in full of their Exn.; cash paid Bartholomew Conyers in full of his and Hedgeman Tripletts claim as witnesses; paid Jael Jones Admx of Wm. Jones deced in part for money paid by said Jones as Security for WB; to William Wallis paid him for taxes; cash paid Thomas F. Knox; cash paid John Grinnan for survey of land sold to Lovell and Urquhart; to William Williams for writing deed for said land; cash paid Philip Clayton for WBs proportion of warrants to cover the land taken up by Bradley & Clayton; case paid Reubin Thornhill; cash paid John McCaull in full of Reubin Thornhills Judgt.; sum paid Thomas Hall in part of

In obedience to an order of the worshipfull Court of Culpeper made of their January term 1795 We the Subscribers named therein for the purpose of Settling and adjusting the accounts of Absolom Bradley Executor on the Estate of William Bradley decd have in conformity thereto duly examined all the vouchers exhibited to us by the said Absolom paid the above to a live state therof as far as we know or believe by which it appears there is a balance due Absolom Bradley of Two pounds 15/11 1/4 . Given under our hands this 19th day of Septr. Anno Domini 1796.

John McCoall

Henry Taliaferro,

John Hackley

At a Court helf for Culpeper County the 19th day of September 1796

This settlement of the Exors Account of William Bradley decd was returned into Court and ordered to be recorded.


Fauquier County

Links are now defunct

1790 Tax List

Hugh Bradley



1799 Tax List

David Bradley        James Bradley



Celia Bradley         Richard Bradley




Caroline County

1799 Tax List


James Bradley, Absolem Bradley


Library of Virginia



Bradley, William.


27 April 1779.

Other Format  

Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.


Location: Culpeper County.


Description: 78 acres beginning in a line of Charles Carter Esqr. on the south east side of Mount Poney.


Source: Northern Neck Grants R, 1778-1780, p. 190 (Reel 297).


Original survey exists.


Part of the index to recorded copies of land grants issued by the agents of the Fairfax Proprietary between 1690 and 1781 and by the Commonwealth between 1786 and 1874. Original and recorded surveys are also indexed when available. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.




Bradley, James.



Other Format  

Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Grants A-Z, 1-124, reels 42-190; Virginia State Land Office. Grants 125- , reels 369-.


See also the following surname(s): Bradly.


Location: Ky. Military District.


Description: 811 acres on Green River and branches of the Cane Fork of Ruesells Creek.


Source: Land Office Grants No. 21, 1789-1790, p. 294 (Reel 87).


Part of the index to the recorded copies of grants issued by the Virginia Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.




Bradley, William.


27 April 1779.

Other Format  

Available on microfilm. Northern Neck Grants, reels 288-311.


Location: Culpeper County.


Description: 224 acres beginning on the South side of a branch of the Beverdam Run.


Source: Northern Neck Grants R, 1778-1780, p. 191 (Reel 297).


Original survey exists.


Part of the index to recorded copies of land grants issued by the agents of the Fairfax Proprietary between 1690 and 1781 and by the Commonwealth between 1786 and 1874. Original and recorded surveys are also indexed when available. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.




Bradley, Edward.


23 May 1786.

Other Format  

Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Grants A-Z, 1-124, reels 42-190; Virginia State Land Office. Grants 125- , reels 369-.


See also the following surname(s): Bradly.


Location: Fayette County (Ky.).


Description: 400 acres on Jessamine Creek a branch of Kentucky about 8 miles below the head Spring of said creek.


Source: Land Office Grants No. 2, 1786, p. 446 (Reel 68).


Part of the index to the recorded copies of grants issued by the Virginia Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.




Bradley, Edward.


23 May 1786.

Other Format  

Available on microfilm. Virginia State Land Office. Grants A-Z, 1-124, reels 42-190; Virginia State Land Office. Grants 125- , reels 369-.


See also the following surname(s): Bradly.


Location: Fayette County (Ky.).


Description: 1000 acres on Jessamine Creek adjoining around his settlement.


Source: Land Office Grants Z, 1785-1786, p. 497 (Reel 66).


Part of the index to the recorded copies of grants issued by the Virginia Land Office. The collection is housed in the Archives at the Library of Virginia.